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  Publication rules for original papers  

REVESCO publishes original research works focused on introducing the latest contributions that deal with "Participation Companies" (Social Economy). These works are a support for the research made in this field and at the same time they assure the journal's success in the academic world.
Authors interested in submitting unpublished typed originals for publication should notice that the same work can't be published and will not be published in any other medium.

Papers are evaluated by two external referees (in case of discrepancy the report be asked to a third referee). The articles' selection is based on the scientific level and the latest contributions dealing with “participation companies” (Social Economy) and being a support for the research projects made in this field. Articles may be accepted, revised to a different degree or refused.

Papers must be managed in next URL:

Author must setup a new account and will receive an email with the password to begin to prepare the article. Inside the platform must follow provided instructions. When preparing manuscripts for the journal, please note the following notes. [Article template] must be used:

  • Papers must be in spanish or english.
  • Manuscripts should be typewritten at single space. Suisse Int'l 9,5 p. for text.
  • Papers published should normally not exceed 25 pages with a minimum length of 15 pages.
  • The structure to create a new article:
    • First field should include the title of the article
    • Second field: author(s) names
    • Third field: The abstract's length must be between 15 and 20 lines
    • Fourth field: key words. It will include five or six key words different to those which appear in the title.
    • Fiveth field: 3-4 econlit keys (alphanumeric descriptors). You can view at:
  • Bibliographic references must be realized in the text, indicating between parentheses the name of the author, followed by a comma, the year of publication, and in case of textual references two points will be added with the number of the said page. Example (2015: 12).
  • All tables, figures and maps included in the paper should be numbered consecutively. Each table should have a short title, similar to that of the footnotes, which explains clearly and precisely the symbols used in the analysis. There will be a reference to them in the text like “Table 1”, etcetera.
  • All bibliographic references should appear at the end of the paper, set-out in alphabetical order; and also in chronological order in case of different works of the same author.
    • In case of references of three or more authors all of them must be named when they are cited for the first time and in the next cases it will be enough only with the first author followed by et al.
    • Bibliographic references should be in the next order and the following instructions must be followed (APA rules -
    • a) References for printed text:

      • BOOK: Main responsability. (year). Title. Edition number. City of printer. Editor.

        Example: Palomo Zurdo, R. J. (2000). Pasado, presente y futuro de la Banca Cooperativa en España. Valencia: CIRIEC-España.
      • ARTICLE: Main Responsability. (year). Title. Source title, location in the source document: number and page range .

        Example: García-Gutiérrez Fernández, C. (2000). Análisis de la solvencia y del riesgo económico-financiero de la sociedad cooperativa. El riesgo sobre la rentabilidad de los socios. REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 3(72), 51-86.

      • CONTRIBUTION: Main responsability. (year). Title of article or chapter. En: Main responsibility of the source (if it exists). Source title. City of publishing: Editor, pages.

        Example: Martínez Segovia, F. (2002). La sociedad cooperativa europea: más cerca. En: Vargas Sánchez, A.; Lejarriaga Pérez de las Vacas, G. Las empresas de participación en Europa: El reto del siglo XXI. En homenaje al Prof. Dr. Carlos García-Gutiérrez Fernández. Madrid: Escuela de Estudios Cooperativos, 101-112.

    b) Electronic references:

    • BOOK: Main responsability. (year). Title. [support] Edition number. City of printer. Editor.
    • ARTICLE: Main Responsability. (year). Title. Source title, volume(number), pages. DOI.

      Example: Marí Vidal, S. (2011). La limitación de las bases imponibles del IBI rústico para las cooperativas agrarias en el régimen fiscal de las cooperativas y su necesaria reforma. REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 1(104), 125-142. DOI: 10.5209/rev_REVE.2011.v104.6.

  • The editorial team will request, once an article has been accepted, the non-English speaking authors who have submitted an article in that language, a certificate issued by a professional that states that the grammar and spelling has been reviewed and has been corrected as needed.

    REVESCO. Manuscripts published in the online edition are the property of the journal, the publication of any article the author assigns the rights to REVESCO, Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, being necessary to cite the source in any total or partial reproduction.

    Unless otherwise stated, all content of this electronic edition is distributed under a license and distribution "Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Spain" (CC-by). You can see from here the version information and the legal text of the license. This has to be expressly stated in this way when necessary.

    The journal does not charge any processing/publishing fee for the issue.

    Code of conduct and good practices

    The REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos adheres to the Code of Conduct and Good Practice established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journals Publishers). In compliance with this code, the journal will ensure the scientific quality of the publications and the appropriate response to the needs of readers and authors. The code is addressed to all parties involved in the management and publication of scientific results of journals published by Ediciones Complutense in the Portal of Complutense Scientific Journals, namely editorial teams, authors and reviewers. The works that do not comply with these ethical standards will be discarded.

    Code of conduct and good practices.

    Open Access Policy

    Revesco. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available at no charge to the user or their institution. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without seeking prior permission from the publisher or author. This definition of open access is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

    The journal REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos does not charge submission fees or publication fees for its articles.

    Anti-plagiarism Policy

    This journal will guarantee the originality of all manuscripts by using the anti-plagiarism software provided by Ediciones Complutense. This policy will ensure standards of originality and detect coincidences and similarities between texts submitted for publication and those previously published in other sources. If plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will be rejected for publication.

    The use of AI-assisted technologies

    AI Authorship
    This policy aims to provide greater transparency and guidance to authors, reviewers, readers, and editors regarding the use of AI-assisted technologies.
    Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, currently do not meet the authorship criteria of REVESCO. It is important to note that attributing authorship implies accountability for the work, which cannot be effectively applied to LLMs.
    Authors must declare in their manuscript the use of AI and AI-assisted technologies, and this will be appropriately cited. Declaring the use of these technologies promotes transparency and trust among authors, readers, reviewers, and editors, and facilitates compliance with the terms of use of the relevant tool or technology. The use of LLMs should be adequately cited following the APA (7th edition) guidelines, which can be consulted in full here ( :

    In-text Citation
    for example ChatGPT can have the following format:

    • Citation in text (OpenAI, 2023)
    We can also include the full texts of long LLM responses in an appendix to our work or in supplementary materials.

    Model Author. (Year). Model name (Version) [Model description]. Developer. URL
    OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (March 14 version) [Large language model].

    Editorial Policies

    Editorial Policies

    Any authors seeking information on the current situation of the evaluation process for their papers should enquire at REVESCO Management:

    Escuela de Estudios Cooperativos de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
    Asociación de Estudios Cooperativos (AECOOP)
    Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
    Campus de Somosaguas
    Despacho 46. Pabellón 6º.
    E-28223 POZUELO DE ALARCÓN (Madrid)
    Dirección de correo electrónico:

    Revesco. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos
    ISSN: 1885-8031
    Dirección de correo electrónico:

    Creado por Maranú - 2006
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